Public Health – Defining Health As A State Of Complete Physical, Mental And Social Well-Being

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a condition of “complete physical, mental and emotional well-being” and not just the absence of sickness and disease. Various definitions have been used over the years for different purposes. However, there is one definition that most individuals agree upon, and that is health is subjective. This means that each person has their own personal notion of what it means to be healthy. That means that there are no universal definitions for what constitutes the ideal health condition for any one person.


One way that this can be achieved is through an improved life course or health policy. This is an investment in your future by making certain that you make choices now that will affect you well into the future. For instance, those with higher levels of stress tend to develop heart problems at a later stage in life, so a public health program focusing on reducing stress levels as a factor in heart health can have lasting effects on your long-term health. The effects of stress can be managed through appropriate stress management techniques such as exercise, meditation and learning stress management techniques such as deep breathing.

Health is a state of complete physical, emotional and social well Being. It is a state of mind. Managing disease and preventing illness requires that people become educated about their health and that they become active participants in making decisions about their health and their lives. A public health program that defines health as a state of well-being helps people to understand and manage their wellness and become active contributors to making their communities better places to live.