The Business Case For Beauty

In The Business Case for Beauty, Alan Moore argues that the idea of beauty is central to the success of companies. This article argues that the term ‘beauty’ is an essential attribute of business. It is an important concept to understand because people experience the world in a qualitative manner. According to a study by Temkin, customers who feel beautiful are six times more likely to purchase more or recommend a company. This means that it is essential to develop strategies that can appeal to the human emotional experience and make it easier for businesses to meet the needs of their customers.


There are a variety of different ways to define beauty, but one popular approach is to look at the way we express ourselves through art. ELLE’s aesthetic is edgy and funky, with metallic type, neon green lines, and image-led sections. Compared to conventional fashion and beauty magazines, ELLE’s style is wildly unconventional, blending masculine and feminine themes into a contemporary design that celebrates female sex.

In this article, we consider the concept of beauty as a general concept that differs from genre to genre. We look at the term as an extension of its definition in the art world, and examine how it can be applied to any work of art. By doing this, we can better appreciate the work of other artists and be able to appreciate it. This makes the art world a much more enjoyable place to be, and it is a way to get more out of the arts.