What Does Wellness Mean?


What Does Wellness Mean?

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is “an assemblage of the medical aspects of the body that provide the essential service of preventing health loss and maintaining good health.” A number of definitions have also been used over the years for different purposes. Generally, health is the condition of being fit and active, free from illness, free from pain, having a normal range of motion, and having an acceptable level of psychological health. Having good health is more than just looking good. It also involves the ability to appreciate your health and to treat it when it is diminished. The term “health” has various other meanings in different contexts, so the word has a wider scope than most people would think.

The definition of “healthy” or “well” differs among individuals because it is typically associated with psychological wellbeing, which includes such things as self-esteem, attitudes about health, confidence, and social support. Conversely, an individual with poor self-image is likely to be diagnosed with poor mental health, as well. The term “wellness” can then be used to indicate both a state of wellness and mental health, even though in many ways the two are different. In addition, the definition of healthy can also be used to mean that a person has a reasonable balance between illness and wellness, and a reasonable level of resilience towards illness.

This idea of wellness encompasses a much wider range of concepts than simply being healthy. Mental health is not the same as physical health, but they are closely related and require similar strategies for dealing with both illness and well-being. Health and illness can be prevented and controlled, even cured if we know how to do so. Therefore, there is a growing need to put together a comprehensive plan for treating health and wellness from a broad perspective. The National Health Services (NHS) define well-being as “the quality of life that provides the basis for the achievement of desired objectives”, and this is a fairly accurate description of what being healthy and well can mean for all of us.