Beauty Within Society


Beauty Within Society

Beauty is widely defined as a subjective feature of things which makes these objects appealing to the senses. These objects include sunsets, landscapes, human beings and artistic works. Beauty, along with beauty, is possibly the most significant theme of aesthetics, another of the important branches of modern philosophy. The word ‘beauty’ is derived from Greek’s beauty meaning lovely or beautiful. Today, it has become a general term for describing all kinds of beauty found in nature.

According to the twentieth century aesthetician, Alfred Soddy, beauty is determined by three variables, namely beauty, proportion, and importance. These three qualities are not determinants of beauty for every person will have a different conception of beauty. Soddy also believed that beauty is subjective, and that it is influenced by cultural and individual experiences and emotions. It is only through the objective assessment of beauty that a meaningful and universal meaning can be discovered. Beauty in art is determined by the influence of the aesthetic traditions of a country or region, and also of a specific time period, in comparison to the ideals of beauty held by people of other cultures and periods.

Beauty has become such an important part of the human experience that some people refer to beauty as being the glue that keeps the human race bound together. In fact, many of today’s societal changes, including increasing gender equality and the advancement of social welfare programs, have played a role in encouraging beauty consciousness among individuals. Beauty can also be seen to exist in nature, in the natural world, and it is believed by some that beauty can be found in the combinations of forms and colors and their relationships. Beauty is thus not a rigid concept, but a range of perspectives on the value and beauty which may vary widely between individuals.