The Definition of Health

The Definition of Health A state of complete well-being is the ultimate goal of a person’s life. The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete well-being, characterized by a lack of disease or infirmity. While many different definitions have been used over time, the World Health Organization’s definition remains the most commonly… Read more The Definition of Health

The Concept of Beauty

The Concept of Beauty The concept of beauty is often used to describe the aesthetic qualities of things, such as works of art and sunsets. Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that studies how to make things pleasurable to the senses. It’s also used to refer to the way humans perceive and appreciate certain objects… Read more The Concept of Beauty

What Is Gaming?

What Is Gaming? Video game is an electronic game that involves interaction with user interface and input device. This input device is usually a joystick, controller, keyboard, or motion-sensing device. The gamer uses the input device to control the game and interact with the game’s visual and audio feedback. It is a popular form of… Read more What Is Gaming?

Sports As a Physical Activity

All sporting competitions or activities require rules and regulations to govern them. Rules and regulations differ among sports but common principles may apply. The basic purpose of sporting competitions is to identify the best athletes and reward them for their performances. There are two types of competitions – competitive and non-competing. Competitions may also pit… Read more Sports As a Physical Activity

Playing Games With Rules

Online games are interactive activities in which people engage in competitions or engage in acts of virtual violence to win awards or pay monetary damages. Online games can also have certain rules, and virtual players use their skill, strategy, etc to win. For example, football is a competitive sport in which teams of real players… Read more Playing Games With Rules

Art And Beauty

“Beauty surrounds us but we need to see it ourselves to appreciate it.” I find that very true when talking about beauty in photography. In fact, the very act of taking photographs is an exercise in seeing and appreciating beauty. And I believe the only true way to truly appreciate beauty in all its forms… Read more Art And Beauty