What Is Health to One Person May Not Be Healthful To Another

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is “the condition of living in a healthy condition at the minimum possible risk of suffering an illness or injury and the absence of death or infirmity in a normal person through age.” Various other definitions have also been used over time for various purposes. However, what… Read more What Is Health to One Person May Not Be Healthful To Another

The Theory of Beauty

The Theory of Beauty Beauty is a subjective quality of things which makes these things pleasurable to see. These things include beautiful sunsets, landscapes, human faces and works of fine art. Beauty, along with personal taste and aesthetics, is currently the most important theme of aesthetics, among the major branches of psychology. However, aesthetic psychology… Read more The Theory of Beauty

Computer Gaming Basics

Computer Gaming Basics One of the fastest growing industries within the gaming industry is the world of casual and social gaming. Social video games are multiplayer online games that require users to interact through various communication systems. They can include chat systems such as “Skype” or “Second Life” and photo or journaling systems such as… Read more Computer Gaming Basics

The Definition of Sports and the Concept of Sportsmanship

Sports are the physical activities engaged in by human beings for fun or recreation. Sports can be individualized and require little or no equipment. Common sports that people participate in are tennis, racquetball, badminton, swimming, wrestling, boxing, gymnastics, track and field and ice hockey. In addition, many sports involve a level of skill, such as… Read more The Definition of Sports and the Concept of Sportsmanship

Computer Games

A video game is a structured, action-filled form of play, normally undertaken for fun or entertainment, and at times used as a teaching tool. Games are different from work, which are often carried out only for recreation, and from art, that are more often a medium of artistic or symbolic elements. Games can be single… Read more Computer Games