Games And The Language

Games, whether computer-based or other, can be defined as physical activities that are intended to pass leisurely and independently, with no apparent objective. A game is typically a structured form of interactive play, normally undertaken for fun or entertainment, and occasionally used as an educational tool as well. Most games are quite different from work,… Read more Games And The Language

What Is Good Health?

According to the World Health Organization, “health is a state of full life-health, physical and mental well-being and not just the absence of illness and infirmity”. A wide variety of definitions are used over time for different purposes. In most instances, it has been defined as a condition that permits the individual to enjoy life… Read more What Is Good Health?

The Main Article on Sports

Sports refer to all forms of physical activities that are performed for the purpose of leisure, competitive qualification, recreation or any other purpose. It could also be taken as an adjective meaning exciting or fine, like for example: racing for speed or excitement. Sports can be broadly categorized into two, contact sports participation, but there… Read more The Main Article on Sports

Types of Games

Types of Games One of the most common things to see in a bar or other public place is a table with a variety of games on it. These games can range from card games to board games to video games. Some of these games are multi-player, where you are competing with someone else over… Read more Types of Games

The Importance of Defining Health and Illness

The Importance of Defining Health and Illness Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a state of full physical, mental and emotional well-being and not just the absence of illness and infirmity. Many different definitions have been employed over time for various purposes. It has also been viewed as the state that encompasses… Read more The Importance of Defining Health and Illness

What Is Beauty?

What Is Beauty? “Beauty is the proper aim or end of all human actions and desires.” -Rudyard Kipling Beauty is commonly defined as a subjective, aesthetic quality of things that makes those things beautiful to perceive. These things could be landscapes, sunsets, beautiful humans and artistic works of art. Beauty, with art and beauty, is… Read more What Is Beauty?