Physical Fitness and Sports


Physical Fitness and Sports

Sports is commonly defined as a contact sport that involves a certain level of physical activity, like football or tennis. Many forms of competitive athletics and some games like netball are also classified as sports. An athlete in a particular sport is also known as a professional athlete.

Most sports involve some sort of physical activity. This may take the form of sprinting up a steep mountain, throwing a ball around a park, or competing in a sporting event like swimming, tennis, or track and field. In most sports, skills are tested not only through athleticism but also through the application of mental abilities and mental techniques like concentration, patience, flexibility, and perseverance. Sports also require the use of speed, agility, and physical strength.

Not all sports involve physical contact, though. Some sports, including horseback riding, are generally considered to be a leisure activity. Although some sports, such as swimming and climbing, are considered to be endurance activities, others, including gymnastics and cheerleading, involve an element of physical fitness that allows participants to be in good physical shape while having fun. Sports are popular for many reasons, including enjoyment, physical fitness, and social interaction. Even participants in sports may sometimes feel the need to do something to improve their physical fitness.