How to Define Health

How to Define Health Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is “the state of total physical, mental and social health.” Different definitions have been applied over the years for various purposes. In medicine, it covers all the processes that result in the cure and prevention of diseases. For the general public, health implies… Read more How to Define Health

Philosophy of Beauty

Beauty is often described as a subjective quality of things which makes these things pleasing to notice. These things include beautiful sunsets, landscapes, people and other works of art. Beauty, with art and other aesthetic concepts, is probably the most important theme of aesthetics, among the various branches of philosophy. It has great significance in… Read more Philosophy of Beauty

Gaming Basics

Gaming Basics A computer game, video game, or video console is a computer program that requires interaction with a user interface (joystick, mouse, keyboard, or hand held devices) or various input devices to produce visual output. The output is usually in the form of text, picture, or both. Video games are used to entertain people… Read more Gaming Basics

The Basics of Wellness

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is an “uneven condition of the body in its relation with the environment, a state of total health and not just the absence of illness and disease.” A wide variety of definitions have also been applied to health throughout the years. Broadly, health is associated with physical… Read more The Basics of Wellness

An Introduction to Philosophy and Beauty

An Introduction to Philosophy and Beauty Beauty is commonly defined as a subjective aspect of natural objects which makes these objects pleasant to see. Such objects could be nature, landscapes, sunsets, beautiful humans and works of art. Beauty, along with individual taste and aesthetic appreciation, is probably the oldest part of aesthetic philosophy, among the… Read more An Introduction to Philosophy and Beauty