Problem Gambling – Why Are You Losing Control of Your Impulses and Finances?


Problem gamblers lose control of their impulses and their finances. They blame others and feel conflicting emotions. It’s hard for problem gamblers to make the tough decision to stop gambling. However, there are ways to change their behaviour and learn to stop. The key is understanding why you’re losing control of your impulses and finances.

Problem gamblers often blame others

Problem gambling can lead to financial and emotional problems and can even impair a person’s relationships with loved ones. Excessive gambling can even cause depression and anxiety. In some cases, the problem may even lead to suicide. It can affect people of all ages, intelligence levels, and backgrounds. Those who have this problem often blame other people or circumstances for their situation.

While the problem gambler may be responsible for his or her own actions, significant others may also feel blaming themselves for the problem. Significant others may also feel neglected, lonely, and isolated, and attempt to hide their partner’s gambling.

They have conflicting emotions

A problem gambler’s conflicting emotions and actions can be difficult to handle. Family members might feel resentment, shame, or anger toward the problem gambler. These emotions are often rooted in the problem gambler’s borrowing and gambling behavior. It is crucial for family members to seek help from a treatment professional.

Typically, problem gamblers are not aware that they are engaging in a self-destructive behavior. They do not want to lose, but their addiction to gambling leads them to experience an all-consuming desire for money. Problem gamblers are also prone to experiencing self-defeat and self-sabotage.

They lose control of their impulses

People who engage in pathological gambling often have a high-risk, overconfident personality. They are also likely to be easily bored and enjoy spending money. Some of them also show symptoms of depression, anxiety, and personal stress. Studies show that about 2% to 3% of the population is affected by this disorder. It is more common in men than in women.

Pathological gamblers have similar characteristics to those who suffer from substance abuse. This is largely due to the fact that they have no control over their impulses. They are attracted to high-stimulation situations and tolerate boredom poorly. They also lack a capacity to delay gratification.

They lose control of their finances

If you or a loved one is in debt due to a gambling problem, it’s important to get help as soon as possible. Contact a debt management agency, which will help you create a budget and reduce interest rates. Although the process may take some time, it can help you get back on track. Gambling debt is no different to other types of debt, and the best way to deal with it is to develop a plan to pay back creditors and get back on track financially.

Many gamblers experience panic after losing money, and they are eager to recoup their losses as quickly as possible. This behavior is known as “chasing losses,” and it can lead to deeper financial debt and feelings of guilt.