What Is Beauty?

The question of what is beautiful is one that elicits a wide range of opinions, from the most elitist to the most bourgeois. Its definition varies considerably across cultures, but the concept of beauty is central to our modern aesthetic sensibility. The object that evokes the most pleasure is considered beautiful, and we judge beauty based on this. In the West, the notion of beauty is deeply ingrained in the culture, but it isn’t universal.


The eighteenth century saw the establishment of the pleasure association. In the British Isles, beauty was associated with pleasure in a different manner. Locke distinguished between the primary and secondary qualities of objects and treated color as a phantasm of the mind. These concepts, which were widespread at the time, fueled a widespread debate about what constitutes beauty. As a result, the concept of beauty was transformed. The resulting theories about the nature of beauty led to a rethinking of what we consider beautiful.

Beauty is defined as a combination of qualities that please the sense of sight and aesthetic appeal. It can be based on symmetry in the face, age, skin colour, skin texture, body shape, and weight, among others. A beauty is a combination of all of these elements. Some of these attributes may seem insignificant compared to these qualities. While beauty is subjective, some qualities are universal. For example, symmetry is a sign of beauty.