A definition of health is difficult to develop if we don’t take a holistic view of the human body. It should encompass not just the physical features of health, but also the mental and social dimensions of the individual’s life. This definition, like many others, must consider the entire life span and the varying environments… Read more Challenges to Developing a Definition of Health
The Qualities of Beauty
As we all know, beauty is a very subjective concept. Ultimately, it is a combination of qualities that please our sight and aesthetic senses. The qualities of beauty are often defined by age, race, gender, body shape, weight, and popular culture. A person may have beauty based on one or more of these factors, but… Read more The Qualities of Beauty
The Rise of Gaming
The rise of gaming has ushered in a new generation of video games. In fact, the first popular video game was an electronic version of ping-pong. A player would move a bar up and down to deflect the ball as the other player attempted to do the same. It was popular in the 1970s. Today,… Read more The Rise of Gaming
Types of Sports Films
Types of Sports Films Films based on sports are known as sports films. These movies feature a prominent sport, an athlete, or a sports fan, and rely heavily on the theme of the sport for plot motivation. Several types of sports films have branched out into other genres, as well. Read on to learn about… Read more Types of Sports Films
Types of Games
Types of Games Games are the pursuit of an objective, whether played alone or with others. The goal is to beat the other players, or reach the goal first, regardless of the medium. They can be competitive, cooperative, role-playing, or any combination of these. A game’s rules are called meta-rules and are often immutable. They… Read more Types of Games
What Is Health?
What Is Health? The World Health Organization defines health as a complete state of physical, mental, and social well-being. The Ottawa charter has a similar definition: “Health is the means of living and the object of living.” As a result, the WHO definition emphasizes the link between health and social participation. According to the WHO,… Read more What Is Health?
The Business Case For Beauty
In The Business Case for Beauty, Alan Moore argues that the idea of beauty is central to the success of companies. This article argues that the term ‘beauty’ is an essential attribute of business. It is an important concept to understand because people experience the world in a qualitative manner. According to a study by… Read more The Business Case For Beauty
Video Games – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
There are many different types of games and genres of video games. Some games are just plain fun, while others teach important lessons while solving problems. This article looks at some of the most popular video games of all time. This article covers the benefits and risks of gaming, as well as some of the… Read more Video Games – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
The History of Sports
The History of Sports Sporting activities are a great way to stay fit and healthy. Whether you love baseball, football, soccer, or tennis, you can find a sport that suits your needs. In addition to the physical benefits of playing sports, there are many social and mental advantages. Girls in particular benefit from athletics, since… Read more The History of Sports
The Psychology of Games
Gameplay is a creative act that brings people together. The rules, and mechanics of a game encourage people to interact and achieve goals. Many games involve social interaction, such as a competition or a tournament, and are designed to create a fun and social experience. While most games are multi-player, a few can be played… Read more The Psychology of Games