Physical Activities Involved in Sports

Physical Activities Involved in Sports Sports are organized competitive games and physical activities. The equipment used differs according to sport but all sports require a certain equipment: sweat, body lotion, towels, sports bags or sweat bags, sneakers, shorts, socks, headgear, basketballs, footballs, golf balls and the like. The key difference between recreational or leisure, exercise… Read more Physical Activities Involved in Sports

What Does Wellness Mean?

What Does Wellness Mean? Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is “an assemblage of the medical aspects of the body that provide the essential service of preventing health loss and maintaining good health.” A number of definitions have also been used over the years for different purposes. Generally, health is the condition of… Read more What Does Wellness Mean?

Types of Video Gaming

There are many different types of games, each with its own particular genre and purpose. The most common type of computer game is the text-based adventure, also known as “text-based”, or “immersive fiction” (also called “immersion fiction”), which is any computer or video game in which the player controls the plot and events through the… Read more Types of Video Gaming

What Is Health to One Person May Not Be Healthful To Another

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is “the condition of living in a healthy condition at the minimum possible risk of suffering an illness or injury and the absence of death or infirmity in a normal person through age.” Various other definitions have also been used over time for various purposes. However, what… Read more What Is Health to One Person May Not Be Healthful To Another

The Theory of Beauty

The Theory of Beauty Beauty is a subjective quality of things which makes these things pleasurable to see. These things include beautiful sunsets, landscapes, human faces and works of fine art. Beauty, along with personal taste and aesthetics, is currently the most important theme of aesthetics, among the major branches of psychology. However, aesthetic psychology… Read more The Theory of Beauty