Types of Sports and Their Benefits

Sports are non-profit organized activities that are open to all and played either actively or casually by people of all ages and gender. The most common sports are indoor sports which usually require specialized equipment, skill and knowledge and are usually played by athletes engaged in professional sports league such as ice hockey, American football, soccer, tennis, basket ball etc. While in the case of outdoor sports, any game can be played, however, it is necessary for the games to be organized and supervised by rules set by the game’s governing body. Sports are categorized into two major categories; physical and mental sports. Mental sports require athletes or individuals engaged in the sport to perform with extreme concentration and mental focus.


Physical activity includes sports like athletics, motor sports, rowing, diving, cycling, skiing, track and field, golf and wrestling etc. All these sports require considerable amount of physical strength. Strength training workouts helps in improving motor skills like running, jumping, throwing, catching and counter-striking. Sports also improve mental skills such as focus, patience, endurance power, flexibility and stamina. To play a good sport you need to have stamina, alertness, endurance and agility. In motor sports like Formula one driving, cycling, gymnastics, swimming and sailing, and other physical activity, the speed, strength, power and endurance are important factors to play at its optimum level.

Mental stress is as important as physical stress in any kind of sport and physical activities. Though most sports provide the opportunity to relax during the course of the competition but stress can affect the mind of an athlete as well as the spectators especially when there are serious considerations like personal safety and health. During a sporting event, athletes may face pressure from their coaches, relatives, sponsors and the public. Sometimes these pressures can cause unnecessary physical strain and mental stress. For example, football players may experience pressure from the fans, while swimming competitors may have to compete against stronger competitors and meet high expectations.